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Sebrae/MT to Showcase State’s Biomes Tourism Potential at 2024 Visit Brazil Gallery

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Sebrae/MT will showcase the tourism potential of the state’s biomes at 2024’s edition of the Visit Brazil Gallery, in Ne

The event will take place between September 23rd and 27th, at the Anita Rogers Gallery, and will be attended by representatives of several foreign delegations

Por Press Office Sebrae/MT
20/09/2024 às 09:18 Atualização
20/09/2024 às 09:21
See more news from Sebrae/MT on the website ‘Agência Sebrae de Notícias’ ASN, in english: ‘Sebrae News Agency’

The Brazilian Micro and Small Businesses Support Service in the state of Mato Grosso (Sebrae/MT) will be showcasing the tourism potential of the state’s three biomes at the “Visit Brazil Gallery” which will be exposed at the Anita Rogers Gallery, in Manhattan, New York, USA. The event will take place between September 23rd and 27th, with the aim of promoting Brazilian ecotourism. Journalists, authorities, tourism trade professionals, digital influencers and the general public are welcome to visit. This year, the theme will be the tourism in the Amazon region.

Only two states were selected by the Brazilian government to represent the tourism potential of the Amazon biome during the exhibition: Mato Grosso and Pará. The strategy is to promote regional tourism of Amazonian biodiversity, since the region will be on the eyes of the world in 2025. Next year, Brazil will host the Conference of the Parties (COP 30) in the city of Belém, state capitol of Pará.

On the 26th, the event will focus on Mato Grosso’s tourist attractions, with the following speakers: the director of Sebrae/MT, André Schelini; the youth leader of the ethnic group Haliti-Paresi, Alex Onaezokemar, and the representative of the Quilombo Mata Cavalo, Gonçalina Santana. Also, the Brazilian food chef Ariani Malouf will deliver Mato Grosso’s regional cuisine to the participants.

“We will have a great opportunity to present the diversity of the biomes in Mato Grosso. The Pantanal with Afrotourism, the Cerrado with Ethnotourism, as well as we are bringing the attractions of the Amazon biome, through the technology developed by our team, which consists in some virtual reality glasses that you can live an immersive experience in the Amazon rainforest and explore the birdwatching activity. There will also be a photographic exhibition selected by Mike Bueno, and a teaser screening of the Brazilian documentary ‘Duas Irmãs – A Marcha das Onças’ [in english ‘Two Sisters – The March of Jaguar’], which will be released on streaming platforms” says the director of Sebrae/MT.

Sebrae Mato Grosso will also show how sustainable tourism can be integrated with environmental preservation practices and economic development in the region. The conference will cover local initiatives that reconcile the conservation of the three biomes present in the state (Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal), with the growth of ecotourism and cultural tourism, promoting the appreciation of natural landscapes and regional cultural heritage.

André Schelini points out that tourism is one of the main activities with the purpose of promoting social inclusion. “There are more than 53 economic activities, like artisans and logistics operators, also bars, restaurants, hotels, and the activities based on creative economy, for example. Not to mention the tourist attractions and the natural beauty and ethnic diversity”.

Cultural and ethnic tourism

The representative of the Haliti-Paresi ethnic group, Alex Onaezokemar, will share ecotourism strategies that preserve biodiversity and generate income for indigenous communities, most of which are concentrated in Mato Grosso’s Cerrado biome. The representative of the Quilombo Mata Cavalo, Gonçalina Santana, located in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso, will talk about how community tourism strengthens their afro identity and boosts the local economy.

“Sebrae Mato Grosso has played a fundamental role in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, especially in training small businesses in tourism, encouraging practices that value and protect the state’s biomes. The exposition will also highlight the potential of sustainable tourism as a powerful tool for environmental conservation and socio-economic development in the region”, says the director of Sebrae/MT, André Schelini.

Visit Brazil

The “Visit Brazil Gallery” is an initiative of the Federal Government of Brazil, which aims to raise the profile of the country as an international tourist destination. This will be the second time that Sebrae/MT has taken part in this initiative: last year, a group of analysts was invited to visit four European countries, where the state’s tourism potential was presented in France, Portugal, England and Italy.

This year, the New York edition will be occurring a week before the United Nations General Assembly, and the Brazilian government has planned a strategy to attract representatives of foreign delegations to present the country’s tourism potential.

At the event, the 2025 edition of the Pantanal International Tourism Fair (Fit Pantanal) will be launched. “We will also present the Pantanal Events Center (Centro de Eventos do Pantanal, in Portuguese) to the participants, highlighting the venue as the largest multi-purpose convention center in Mato Grosso. In addition, we will be promoting more than 50 tourist destinations that are part of the ‘Turistando MT’ portal, developed by Sebrae/MT to present the tourist routes created with our support” concludes Schelini.

Link to the website Turistando MT

Link to the website Pantanal Events Center

Link to the website Sebrae Sustainability Center

Fonte: Sebrae

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