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Selena Gomez e Gracie Abrams: Letra da música Call Me When You Break Up

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Selena Gomezconfirmou o lançamento da música “Call Me When You Break Up”, parceria com Gracie Abrams, para esta quinta (20/2). A música e o clipe chegarão às plataformas às 21h (horário de Brasília). Graças à audição do single promovida em Londres e às prévias liberadas na Internet, a letra completa da canção já pode ser conferida!

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Letra de “Call Me When You Break Up”

At the tone, please record your message

[Verse 1: Selena Gomez]
Call me when you break up
I wanna be the first one on your mind when you wake up
I miss the way we’d stay up
We talk about forever when I’m takin’ off my makeup
Call me when you break up
And meet before I turn up like I like the space we take up
And I can forget what their name was
And when you’re feeling down, I can show you what you’re made of

[Chorus: Selena Gomez]
Call me when you break up
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
Call me when you break up
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh

[Post-Chorus: Selena Gomez & Gracie Abrams]
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it (Oh-oh)
I’ll make it worth it
Call me when you break up

[Verse 2: Gracie Abrams]
I’m battling the lack of us, I look for medication
Tried every obvious replacement
In bars and strangers’ beds until my faith was in the basement
Won’t you call me when you break up?
I feel so out of luck
I’m skipping cracks along the pavement
Like I’m emotionally bankrupt
We’re so meant for each other, I mean, God, when will you wake up, wake up?

[Chorus: Selena Gomez & Gracie Abrams]
Call me when you break up
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
Call me when you break up
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh

[Post-Chorus: Selena Gomez & Gracie Abrams]
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it (Oh-oh)
I’ll make it worth it
Oh, you picked up, um
Call me when you break up

[Outro: Selena Gomez]
Unless you found the person that you want a new name from
I’d like to be there when that day comes
You know I’m always here, so don’t ever be a stranger

Ouça prévia de"Call Me When You Break Up", de Selena Gomez e Gracie Abrams

(Foto: Divulgação)

Fonte: portalpopline

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